African Tech Round-up: The Week’s Biggest News + What Is A Startup?

4 May

The word “startup” is often used loosely in the world of tech, and frequently worn as a badge of honour by individuals and organisations who aspire to the glamour commonly associated with modern-day entrepreneurship. In this week’s African Tech Round-up PodcastTefo Mohapi and I attempt to pin down a definition for the term and determine what business ventures qualify to be classified as startups. Our discussion is inspired by an article by David Adamo Jr— a Nigerian Computer Science PhD student at the University of North Texas, entitled What is a startup?”

You can also expect a concise run-down of the week’s tech, digital and innovation highlights:

As always. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the week’s stories and discussion topic. Share your thoughts with us on Twitter, tweet using the hashtag #ATRUor leave a comment directly in iTunes or in Soundcloud at

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