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VIDEO PROMO: It’s My Biz is BACK! (Thanks, Nedbank)

19 Jul

A big thank you to those of you who watched the very first episode of It’s My Biz Season 4 last night and the repeat at noon today! We’re back for a full 13-episode season! 

The show airs every Thursday at 5:30pm on ETV, with repeats every Friday at noon.

Check out the promo:

This season promises to be a serious game-changer. In a major departure from previous seasons, the panelists that will be advising the thirteen business owners of Season 4 have been drawn from the highest echelons of South Africa’s leading business and entrepreneurship network. They include Alan Knott-Craig Snr (Cell C), Dion Chang (Flux Trends), Ndaba Ntsele (Pamodzi), Amy Kleynhans-Curd (Dial-A-Teacher), Allan Raiz (Raizcorp), Sindi Mabaso-Koyana (PRASA), Jenna Clifford (Jenna Clifford Designs), David Bate (Leopard Frog Vineyards) and Eddie Keizan (Tiger Wheels), to name just a few.

Join me as I visit all thirteen small businesses confronted by various challenges as they take their business to the next level. I’ll guide you into the heart of real businesses through a journey of engagement and solution. Pick up Business Report every Friday, starting today, for a full profile on the businesses we meet each week.

AUDIO: I Vote Small Business!

6 Dec

Small Business Friday

I’d like to encourage everyone in South Africa and around the world to “Vote Small Business”. We need to start realising just how much power we have individuals to ensure the success of small business, and in turn, create employment and strengthen our local economies.

Listen to this clip of me sharing my thoughts on how we all should “go big behind small business“; recorded live while I was facilitating a panel discussion at the media launch of Small Business Friday at Hotel Lamunu in Braamfontein, South Africa some months ago:

Share how you are making a difference by supporting small business.

Watch “It’s My Biz” Season 3 Online!

7 Nov

Heads up, small business owners! If you missed this year’s season of It’s My Biz on eTV,  don’t sweat it. You can catch up on all 13 episodes right here.

On set with me immediately after filming episode 1 of It’s My Biz Season 3: Nto’s Printing owner, Ntokozo Motloung (middle left), legal and finance expert, Thayn Niemandt (middle right) and branding and marketing guru, Mike Said (far left).

Get inspired and enrich your mind. Click here to watch now! For other useful resources designed to help you become a better small business owner, visit