Tag Archives: Ashley Veasey

A Year Of Great African Tech Conversations

18 Apr

And so the African Tech Round-up’s First Birthday Celebration continues…

Over the past year, our sister podcast, African Tech Conversations, has featured relaxed in-depth chats with leading entrepreneurs, innovators and thought-leaders from Africa’s tech scene. In place of this week’s discussion on the African Tech Round-up, we’re sharing memorable moments from the series.

In this episode, you can look forward to hearing candid bits and insights courtesy of Mteto Nyathi, Alan Knott-Craig Jr, Matsi Modise, Ashley Veasey, Justin Spratt and Trevor Wolfe. We obviously couldn’t share snippets from every conversation we had, but you’re welcome to listen to every single one of them in their entirety at conversations.africantechroundup.com

By the way, Happy Birthday to my homeland— Zimbabwe!

First published on AfricanTechRoundup.com

Living Life Like It’s Global With Ashley Veasey

11 Nov

On this week’s episode of African Tech Conversations, I chat with a globe-trotting Brit who has spent the last 20 years working in retail, investment and corporate banking in no less than four continents.

Before Ashley Veasey’s current gig as Chief Information Officer at Barclays Africa Group, he served in senior leadership positions at corporate giants like Citi Group and JP Morgan. Prior to joining Barclays, however, Ashley worked for Standard Chartered Bank as CIO in Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong, where he made a name for himself as somewhat of a disruptive technologies maverick.

Nowadays, Ashley enjoys travelling, and has an inexplicable passion for Italian motorbikes. Listen in to find out what the man literally has under his skin.