Tag Archives: blogger

Kenyan Agritech Startup WeFarm Secures $1.6 Million In Funding

22 Nov

How much of an over-achiever is Elon Musk fixing to become, though? In the last week, he’s added providing global internet coverage via a massive satellite network to his audacious To-do List. In this week’s African Tech Round-up, I reflect on how Musk’s latest ambition might upset net neutrality watchdogs around the world who might not trust SpaceX to responsibly execute on something they don’t trust the likes of Google and Facebook to do.

Also on this week’s show is more about perhaps the most publicised tech investment news of the past week, the $1.6 million investment haul made by the Kenyan agritech startup WeFarm. It’s exciting to see agritech startups start to excite the global VC community. It’s absurd how millions of people on the continent go hungry every year despite how well-endowed Africa is in terms of natural resources. It’s about time we harness tech to work smarter, improve our yields, and get food to hungry people not just on the continent, but wherever it’s needed around the world.

Finally, listen in to hear my conversation with Milena Taieb, Head of Video for France, Africa and the Middle East at Believe Digital Studios— the world’s leading multi-channel network (MCN) specialising in multi-platform distribution, audience development and content monetisation. Milena reveals how Believe has upended the traditional music and video production business, and how despite the plethora of self-publication platforms available to creators today, success is predicated on executing a killer digital strategy.

First published in AfricanTechRoundup.com

My First VR Interview

1 Sep

Check out my very first VR interview, courtesy of Julian Von Plato, the kleva behind BalconyTV Johannesburg and many other cool projects. In this chat I share about my journey to becoming an entrepreneur, broadcaster and new media specialist, as well as give my top tip to youngsters who aspire to having a successful career in media. Let’s go! 🚀

Presenting Like A Pro

17 Sep

The gift of speech is a hugely underrated blessing. I’m at the stage in my life– personal and career-wise, where I’ve developed an awareness for the potential of what comes out of my mouth to either kill or heal, build or destroy.

In this episode of #AndilesTake, I look back on the influences that have shaped the broadcaster I am today, share what fuels my sense of purpose as a communicator, and reflect on what inspires me not just to keep raising my game as a pro, but also cherish the responsibility of having a voice in these tough times.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it will eat its fruit.” –King Solomon

I am greatly indebted to three of South Africa’s leading communicators for sharing their stories and trade secrets with me. A big thank you to eTV news anchor, HOT 91.9 FM radio jockvoiceover artist and speaker, Marc “The Voice” Chase, the irrepressible former corporate executive turned rockstar speaker and author, Alex Granger, and executive presentation coach, founder and CEO of Business Presentation Skills Holdings, Beth-Ann Galvin— whose 30-year track record has rightfully earned her the reputation of being “The Presentation Fixer”. I have no doubt that you will benefit immensely from their wisdom as I have.