Tag Archives: confidence

Get Your Presentation Fix!

6 Nov

You’d think that because I’ve spent the last 15 odd years talking for a living, I’d be a flawless broadcaster by now. Not so. I know only too well that there’s always something more to learn– a skill to sharpen, a technique to master. 

That’s why I’m really excited to announce the launch The Presentation Fix podcast with my good friend, Beth-Ann Galvin. Beth is the MD of Business Communication Skills Holdings, as well as an in-demand executive presentation coach, trainer and speaker.  On the show, we’ll be looking to empower you with the knowledge and skills to make an impact every time you speak or present in public.

Beth will share the wealth of practical wisdom she’s collected over the 30 years she’s spent working in the industry, and I’ll chip in with what I’ve learned throughout my career as a communicator thus far. Our aim is to help you become the best speaker you can possibly be. 

You can look forward to listening in as we compare notes with some of South Africa’s leading communicators, who we’ll invite to join us on the show from time to time. In fact, joining us for our very fist episode is master climber, speaker and businesswoman, Deshun Deysel— who chatted to us about how she’s leveraged her love of climbing to build a successful business and speaking career. Also in this week’s show, Beth unpacks why having a winning mindset is key if one is to become an effective and confident communicator.

And there you have it. Your Presentation Fix is here! The plan is to publish a new episode once a month, and I certainly hope you’ll listen in.

Presenting Like A Pro

17 Sep

The gift of speech is a hugely underrated blessing. I’m at the stage in my life– personal and career-wise, where I’ve developed an awareness for the potential of what comes out of my mouth to either kill or heal, build or destroy.

In this episode of #AndilesTake, I look back on the influences that have shaped the broadcaster I am today, share what fuels my sense of purpose as a communicator, and reflect on what inspires me not just to keep raising my game as a pro, but also cherish the responsibility of having a voice in these tough times.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it will eat its fruit.” –King Solomon

I am greatly indebted to three of South Africa’s leading communicators for sharing their stories and trade secrets with me. A big thank you to eTV news anchor, HOT 91.9 FM radio jockvoiceover artist and speaker, Marc “The Voice” Chase, the irrepressible former corporate executive turned rockstar speaker and author, Alex Granger, and executive presentation coach, founder and CEO of Business Presentation Skills Holdings, Beth-Ann Galvin— whose 30-year track record has rightfully earned her the reputation of being “The Presentation Fixer”. I have no doubt that you will benefit immensely from their wisdom as I have.