Tag Archives: Michael Fletcher

Going Wireless With Michael Fletcher

2 Dec

There’s no doubt about it. WiFi is the new black.

California-based, NYSE-listed wireless systems company Ruckus Wireless is betting that the rate of WiFi infrastructure development Africa will continue to rise. And you can be sure that they’re doing what they can to help service the millions of Africans coming online year on year— profitably, of course.

In the latest instalment of African Tech Conversations, I chat with the adrenaline-junkie that is Michael Fletcher— who has overseen Ruckus Wireless’ operations and new business development on the continent since 2010.

In a career spanning 23 years, Michael has helped establish new businesses, penetrate new markets, and managed sales teams for companies like Motorola, Workz, Belkin and of course Ruckus.

These days, Michael and his team at Ruckus are leveraging the company’s smart wireless solutions and nimble approach to edge in on massive incumbents like Oracle. They’re aiming to increase the company’s partner footprint across Africa and position to exploit new business opportunities.