Tag Archives: new media

My First VR Interview

1 Sep

Check out my very first VR interview, courtesy of Julian Von Plato, the kleva behind BalconyTV Johannesburg and many other cool projects. In this chat I share about my journey to becoming an entrepreneur, broadcaster and new media specialist, as well as give my top tip to youngsters who aspire to having a successful career in media. Let’s go! 🚀

The Pivot: Confessions of a Broadcaster

31 May

In December 2011, I made a pivot. I laid down the reigns at the boutique agency, Zwile, that I’d co-founded three years earlier with my close friend, Lwazi Khoza (who now owns and runs TruGreen Properties). I left to pursue a full-time career in broadcasting. It was a dramatic decision. You see, I’m not a entrepreneur in the traditional sense. While my interests, skills and competencies are widespread (focus requires diligent effort for me), I realised that I wasn’t the type of person for whom simply ‘running a business’ with the sole aim of making profit would cut it. Much of the work we did at Zwile wasn’t directly linked to my passion for broadcasting, or in line with my broader calling to air and amplify empowering, positive ideas and messages. Even the impressive coups we’d pulled off as a teeny-tiny, little-known agency couldn’t keep me motivated enough to carry on. I was worn-out and uninspired.

Crosshare TV LogoHappily, save for a few difficult seasons of self-doubt and uncertainty, my choice to change course has proved to be the right one. Given this, one might question the rationale of my new business partnership with creative director-extraordinaire, Jonathan Munnik and gifted rain-maker, Faizel Ishmail to form Crosshare Productions. Well, the three of us are convinced that the future of broadcasting lies in mastering the game-changing dynamics of the online dissemination and consumption of information. Together, we’ve worked out a model that allows each of us to stay on purpose and produce world-class new media content. My job at Crosshare? I’m the broadcaster. (I’ll share more on the specifics of what that entails in future blogs).

We didn’t start Crosshare just make awesome video content. We’re here to play ball in the global, content-driven new media arena. TV. Online. Music. Lifestyle. Entertainment. Corporate. Event. Personal. Promo. Bring it. On.

Follow Crosshare Productions on YouTube, Vimeo, TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.